Such a model can end up being unfolded to a level template printable on paper, to end up being cut later on, folded away and glued collectively. Is definitely a free software, devoted viewer that shows 3D versions and styles for papercraft made by various other individuals in from. Pepakura (usually referred to as 'Pep') will be a program that produces buildable papercraft versions. This program is able to load 3D patterns and convert them to printable 2D patterns that, when assembled, will produce 3D objects, made of paper. PDO is a proprietary format from Pepakura Designer. Pepakura Viewer is a viewer that shows and prints 2D patterns in.PDO format. This free viewer shows you both the 3-dimensional finished model and each of the 2D parts you need to assemble the whole project. Pepakura Viewer is a dedicated tool that opens files created with Pepakura Designer, an application to design paper craft models from 3D data. N Pepakura Viewer, there are many features to help you show. Pepakura Viewer is a Free Dedicated Viewer that shows works created by Pepakura Designer. It is brought to you by Oven Mitts the Prefect from youtube! Report Content. This video explains you what you have to do to get the pepakura viewer/designer running on a apple computer. How to use Pepakura Viewer/Designer on a Mac (1 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5) Loading.